The 24th workshop of the study group “Regional Stability in the South Caucasus” (RSSC SG) took place at the Seminar Center Reichenau from 03 to 06 November. The meeting was organised and held by the National Defence Academy in cooperation with the Directorate General for Defence Policy at the Federal Ministry of Defence and the Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes.
Cooperation for the sake of stabilisation
With the aim of discussing steps and concrete measures for peacebuilding in the South Caucasus region, 28 experts from ministries and defence academies, universities, security policy institutes from the South Caucasus and CEDC countries met.
South Caucasus after 24 February
After the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, all states in the Black Sea region are confronted with a difficult situation. The tense situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also the future security of Georgia were therefore central topics of the presentations as well as the discussions at this workshop. In addition to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the security situation of the Republic of Moldova was also addressed in this context.
Visit of the Canadian Ambassador
In addition to the Commander of the National Defence Academy, Lieutenant General Erich Csitkovits, Canada’s Ambassador to France and “Special Ambassador for the EU and Europe”, Stéphane Dion, also paid a visit to the workshop. The urgent need for cooperation in order to ensure stability and peace was emphasised by both speakers.
Book Presentation “Understanding the Contemporary Information Landscape”
Prior to the workshop, the official presentation of the handbook on “Understanding the Contemporary Information Landscape” took place. The work for the content of the book, which explores information acquisition, processing and dissemination, began in October 2019 as a project of the South Caucasus Study Group. After three years of tireless work, supported by the Partnership for Peace Consortium, the project leaders were able to publish and present the handbook in the “Study Group Information” series of the National Defence Academy.
10th anniversary of the study group
For ten years now, the National Defence Academy has been in charge of the international study group on the stabilisation process in the South Caucasus within the framework of the “Partnership for Peace Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes”. Current security policy issues in the region are dealt with at the semi-annual workshops on a scientific level. The aim is to ensure and promote a confidence-building exchange between conflict parties.
In addition to the long-term projects such as the handbook and the “Study Group Information” publications, the “Policy Recommendations” prepared by the members of the study group are an important product of the workshop. These recommendations are addressed to international decision-makers and are intended to promote and intensify the process of conflict resolution in the region.
More information:
Understanding the Contemporary Information Landscape: A Handbook
Study Group Information
Policy Recommendations