From 18 to 20 October 2022, a terminology workshop was held at the Armed Forces Language Institute within the framework of the Austrian CEDC Presidency including experts from Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary and Austria. The CEDC Terminology Workshop is a major event organised annually by the CEDC Language Platform. This year’s workshop was focused on the member states’ current terminology processes, the joint development of a terminology basis on technical language for security purposes, and the elaboration of an up-to-date Ukrainian language guide for the CEDC.
Normative terminological work as the basis of language-related matters
Lecturers from the Centre for Translation Studies of the University of Vienna and the Doctrine and Terminology Division of the Austrian Ministry of Defence provided the participants with an insight into how normative terminological work is conducted at the University of Vienna and in the Austrian Armed Forces. Simultaneously, the participants of the workshop seized the opportunity to present the work conducted in the field of technical language in their countries to inform about newest developments and results.
CEDC multi-lingual Ukrainian language guide
The war in Ukraine was the motive to elaborate a multi-lingual language guide (English, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovenian and German) under Austrian lead. The goal is to facilitate state organisations to conduct basic communication with persons who have fled from Ukraine, when the representatives of these organisations do not have a sufficient command of the Ukrainian language. This aid is to be presented by the CEDC ministers in December 2022 in its final version as a booklet and in particular as a mobile application.
Besides the finalisation of the multi-language Ukrainian language guide, an update of already existing CEDC publications, such as the Border Management and the Cross Border Regional Disaster Relief glossaries, were on the agenda of the meeting.
Common technical language for security purposes for operations
Trans-national coordination of the CEDC states in the field of terminology represents a significant contribution to a technical language for security purposes that is oriented towards practical purposes. Technical language for security purposes, as a superordinate concept of technical language relevant to armed forces, is the basis for ensuring interoperability in domestic and international operations.
Author: Jürgen A.-H., Editorial cooperation: Major of the Higher Military Service Stefan KLOCKO, Proofreading: Robert ROZINSKY, Second proofreading: Walter Rys, Photographs: Christopher BRENNER, Supplementation: Colonel Thomas FRONEK